Prosperous On Purpose Summer Camp

Join Me For A Weeklong Dream Generating Experience

Prosperous On Purpose will meet you where you are on your business journey as you learn, apply and strengthen your strategy and systems in a way that actually works for you and your life so that you feel clear, confident and certain in what you’re doing so that you can enjoy the process and celebrate your progress towards that inevitable success you know you’re destined for in a magical, fun and connected way!

Prosperous On Purpose is a business mentorship program that holds your vision for changing the world sacred.

The world needs your gifts now more than ever…

…and you need to thrive in your business in order to make the impact your soul yearns for.

Prosperous On Purpose gives the exact formula you need to build and sell-out your products, courses and programs.

We blend our unique spiritual practices in a feminine business model.

We do the inner spiritual work and follow a proven business strategy that gets the bottom-line financial results your heart knows you are worthy of.

Prosperous On Purpose is a unique business program because it takes you on a Heroine’s journey, featuring a feminine-led business path, with a masculine container to hold the structure.

Prosperous On Purpose

The course includes:

Prosperous On Purpose Summer Camp Agenda

What You Can Expect

"Anything Is Possible" is our Summer Camp Mantra. Fill up on soul nourishment along with some practical strategy and support.

  • 7 Days of Mini-Empowerment Processes and Practices (that can weave into your busy summer with ease to assist in you feeling full, resourced and motivated)
  • 7 Days of Live Virtual Bite Sized Sacred Business Growth Training so you feel confident with your plan and know what to focus on in what order (1-2 hours daily, access on zoom or live-streamed into our private Facebook group)
  • Bonus Q + A with Sacha (directly following the daily trainings every day) 
  • Come to part or all live, watch the replays on your own time, this is for you as it fits into your preferences and summer schedule

Day 1 - July 8th

The Simplify To Amplify Framework and Launch Planning

Learn and apply a simple business plan you can scale with ease. Everything you need to know, do and track for your 5 or 6 Figure Launch or Year! Spreadsheet, templates and examples provided to use for a smoother launch experience. Plus: Sacha will share her top 3 proven Launch Plans with you to plug and play with confidence!

Day 2 - July 9th

List Building and Visibility

The top 3 proven list building strategies that you can implement and outsource so that you always have the numbers you need to reach your sales and impact goals. We’ll discuss your visibility and content plans so you can feel good about when and where you’re sharing content knowing your holistic approach is serving both short term and long term email list growth and visibility goals. 

Day 3 - July 10th

Irresistible Offer Creation

Clarify your message so that you can charge what you want and have sold out programs and waitlists with an offer sheet crafted with intention. Everyone will get Sacha’s direct feedback and approval for their final offer sheet so that you know your offer is irresistible and communicates the value effectively. 

Day 4 - July 11th

Time Management Systems

Get honest about how much time you have to put towards this business and how to optimize and systematize your working hours to create the results you desire. Work with your actual life, personality type and preferences to craft a custom time management strategy that supports you and your business. 

Day 5 - July 12th

Your Core Freebie and Automated Email Sequence

Develop or refine your free gift and 12 part email sequence so that new leads coming into your email list community are onboarded and nurtured effectively. Swipe files, templates and examples provided. 

Day 6 - July 13th

Developing Your Signature Workshop

Have a well crafted signature workshop that reverse engineers your program so that you can seek out and say yes to opportunities and be seen as an authority and convert new leads into buyers quickly. 

Day 7 - July 14th

Sales Secrets

Learn Sacha’s feminine and conversational sales strategy so that you can charge what you’re worth and enjoy making offers and your ideal clients say yes with ease! We’ll cover phone sales and leveraged offers from videos and training’s direct to a checkout page or application as well as lead tracking and follow up best practices. 

Join Today


New Pay What You Want/Can Summer Camp Special Pricing Option! [$33 Minimum]



One Time Payment With a $33 Minimum Summer Camp Enrollment Fee

[Prosperous On Purpose Is Conservatively Valued At $333]

Hear What Others Have To Say

It Is Safe To Step Into Your Power And Be The Visionary Leader Of Your Business.

Having a proven business strategy that is balanced with both feminine and masculine principles, and knowing when to apply each, is how you will grow your impact and sell out your online coaching programs.

Keep doing your spiritual work and gather the feminine-led business strategies that hundreds of women are using to expand into their greatest potential.

Stand shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, with other powerful women, whom you will to grow and prosper with.